Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast
Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast
Conversations About Decolonization, Episode 9 / Urban Indigeneity, Social Movements & Art
In this episode we talk about the final three modules of the Indigenous Canada course including Indigenous in the City, Social Movements and Indigenous Art.
@hesquiaht Carol Anne Hilton, MBA
@helen_knott Helen Knott
@KimTallBear Kim TallBear
@Qchasinghorse Quannah Chasinghorse
@_IllumiNatives IllumiNative
National Association of Friendship Centres https://nafc.ca/?lang=en
Neechi Commons https://neechi.ca/
First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) https://www.fnha.ca/
First Nations Health Council (FNHC) https://fnhc.ca/
First Nations Health Directors Association (FNDA) https://fnhda.ca/
Nadia Myre - http://www.nadiamyre.net/
“Indian Act” - https://150ans150oeuvres.uqam.ca/en/artwork/1876-indian-act-by-nadia-myre/#description
Christy Belcourt - http://www.christibelcourt.com/Artist/aboutstatement.html
“Walking with our Sisters” - http://walkingwithoursisters.ca/about/
Rebecca Bellmore - https://www.rebeccabelmore.com/
“Trace” - https://www.rebeccabelmore.com/trace/
Brian Jungen https://art21.org/artist/brian-jungen
Duane Linklater https://duanelinklater.com/
“Modest Livelihood”
Indian Group of Seven: https://www.native-art-in-canada.com/indiangroupofseven.html
Bill Reid https://www.billreidgallery.ca/pages/about-bill-reid
The Frog Radio - @thefrogradio (IG)
The 1491s - Indigenous Improv Group
Do your own search for more Indigenous Creators.
Find the Indigenous Canada Course:
Indigenous Canada via Coursera.org
Indigenous Canada via the University of Alberta
Discover Small Conversations on Social Media
Find Susannah Steers at www.movingspirit.ca and on social media @themovingspirit.
Find Gillian McCormick at https://physiogillian.com/ and on social media @physiogillian.