Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast

Conversations About Decolonization: Episode 5 / The Modern Indian

Gillian McCormick, Susannah Steers Season 5 Episode 5

This weeks episode centers around the events that bring the Indigenous people from the late 1800's into the modern time. The focus includes economic enterprises that the Indigenous people could engage in, the movement from the reservation to the cities and factors that pushed and pulled people off the reservations. Inherent here are conversations about resource extraction, changing gender roles imparted by the colonizers and how women were impacted by the Indian Act.

**Correction from the episode transcript: as of February, 2022 the CBC reported more than 1000 arrests related to the Fairy Creek Blockades.***

Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be an Antiracist. New York, NY: One World, 2019.

Hilton, Carol Anne. Indigenomics: Taking a Seat at the Economic Table. Gabriola Island, BC: LaVergne New Society Publishers, 2021

Find the Indigenous Canada Course:
Indigenous Canada via
Indigenous Canada via the University of Alberta

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Find Susannah Steers at and on social media @themovingspirit.

Find Gillian McCormick at and on social media @physiogillian.